The Road Ahead:
Strategies for Building a Better Future
Parkland Institute's 28th Annual Fall Conference
Held on November 15 – 17, 2024
In recent years, Alberta, Canada, and the world have been on a dangerous path. It is a path toward inequality and unsustainability. It is a path that creates winners and losers, with the losers left at the side of the road. It is also a path that leads to environmental destruction. Those who put us on this path foment division and conflict. But this path is not inevitable. We can forge a better direction for our communities. We need to find new ideas and refresh old ideas to fit new challenges. More than anything, we need to find new ways to organize so that we may build a more just, more democratic future for everyone. This conference took a hard look at the path taken and explored options for a way forward.
Thank you!!
The 28th Parkland Institute fall conference is now over.
We extend our thanks to the many attendees (both in person and virtual), speakers, and volunteers who helped make the conference a tremendous success.
We will soon be posting all the conference videos on our YouTube page, so keep your eyes on this space for updates.
If you attended the conference, or watched it online, please remember to fill out and submit the conference feedback form. Your comments help us plan future conferences and events, and ensure we continue improving.
Mark your calendars now for the 29th Parkland fall conference, to take place November 21-23, 2025.