U of A campus & Livestream • November 17–19, 2023
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Working Together to Save our Peoples and the Planet

Friday speaker • Nov 19, 7PM

Working Together to Save our Peoples and the Planet

Pamela Palmater, presenter

Right-wing extremism, white supremacy, and corporate greed all work together on a global level to privilege the few and exclude the many. Governments and trans-national corporations work in tandem to control access to and profit from life-sustaining resources in the endless pursuit of power and wealth, with devastating consequences for peoples and the planet. Now more than ever, our communities must work together to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our families and help address the current climate crisis. It's only by working together, across multiple intersectionalities, that we can save our peoples and the planet from further destruction.

Dr. Pamela Palmater is a Mi’kmaw lawyer, professor, author and social justice activist from Eel River Bar First Nation in New Brunswick. A practicing lawyer for 22 years, Pam has been volunteering and working in First Nation issues for over 30 years including socio-economic conditions, Aboriginal and treaty rights, and legislation impacting First Nations. Read More

Dr. Palmater's talk is sponsored by Athabasca University and SKIPP.