Concurrent session
Health Care
From 'Building not Cutting' to 'Bending the Cost Curve': Health Care Under the Alberta NDP
As we near the end of the Alberta NDP's first term in office, we take stock of the Notley government's approach to health care. Mapping the hits and misses from spending to infrastructure, attempts to address privatization, and initiatives to improve and expand health services, we compare the NDP to recent conservative governments and assess whether or not key campaign pledges have been met, concluding with a brief look at what role health-related issues may play in the upcoming election.
Rebecca Graff-McRae is a research manager for Parkland Institute. She completed her undergraduate and doctoral studies at Queen’s University Belfast, exploring the role of memory and commemoration in post-conflict transition. She has previously worked with the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and Edmonton city council, and has held post-doctoral research fellowships at Memorial University Newfoundland and the University of Alberta.
The Future of Health Care in Alberta — It Matters!
For Alberta’s registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses the theme for 2019 is “It Matters!” Nurses’ professional responsibility to deliver safe care matters, occupational health and safety matters, fair collective agreements for nurses and other health care workers matter, and—with the NDP government nearing the end of its first term—politics, spending, and the future of health care all matter enormously.
Heather Smith is president of the United Nurses of Alberta, which represents more than 30,000 registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses, and allied workers. She is a winner of the Spirit of Tommy Douglas Award and has been UNA president since 1988.